Contact Jalen No open listings No followed people 3 received reviews (100% positive, 3/3) Jalen is improving every session! I can't wait to see what he'll come up with for his next project. It's always a pleasure to have sessions with him! Emmanuel Floret about listing Indie Solo Dev Mentoring (1 on 1 Session) 5 months ago. Always a pleasure to work with Jalen. Looking forward to our next coaching session! Emmanuel Floret about listing Indie Solo Dev Mentoring (1 on 1 Session) 5 months ago. Jalen is a talented and driven young man, committed to being a successful indie developer. It's fun and easy to work with him and I'm looking forward to our next session. Let's go Jalen! Emmanuel Floret about listing Indie Solo Dev Mentoring (1 on 1 Session) 6 months ago. Contact Jalen