Antonio Jose Gonzalez Benitez

I´m a character artist for film and videogames with more than ten years experience and during this time I have been doing several artistic jobs as a game artist,including concept art,
character,weapons and props texture art and ,specially, character modeling,low and high poly ( becoming this area where I have specialized in).
I am a multipurpose artist but my passion and the area where I can offer the maximum quality is in the character modeling disciplines.

1 open listing

1 followed person

1 received review (100% positive, 1/1)

Antonio did a very good job, making a full-hour video review of my character. Additionally he made a list of what-to-fix notes and a photoshop before-after file. He has a professional and patient approach. I'm totally satisfied with the review I'd got.

Aleh Yemelyanchyk about listing Senior Character Artist 7 years ago.